Before diving into this article, let’s establish one thing as clearly as the pristine skies of New Zealand: I claim no expertise in any discipline. In my journey of learning, I often feel like I’m perennially playing catch-up.

This realization crystallized further as I delved into an earlier post I wrote about my Reading Framework. One of the points in that post was that more I read, the more acutely aware I become of the vast expanses of knowledge yet undiscovered by me.

This post is about the relation between known and undiscovered.

Imagine, if you will, that your accumulated knowledge is represented by an island. This island is your domain of understanding, surrounded by the vast sea of the unknown.

As you embark on the journey of learning, with each book read and every article digested, you might envision your island of knowledge expanding significantly.

You may imagine the picture to look like this now.

However, the reality unfolds somewhat differently.

What you find is that with every expansion of your knowledge, the perimeter of the unknown, the shores touching the sea, also broadens—sometimes at an exponential rate.

Let’s understand this with an example.

Imagine you’ve always been fascinated by the stars. Initially, your island of knowledge includes the names of a few constellations and perhaps the understanding that planets orbit the sun. As you delve deeper, reading books on astronomy and astrophysics, your island expands. You learn about different types of stars, the complexities of black holes, and the vastness of galaxies beyond our own.

However, with each new concept mastered, you encounter several more that are unfamiliar. The realization that each star might host its own system of planets, many with potential for life, opens a universe (pun intended) of questions. The deeper you explore the mechanics of the universe, the more you realize how much there is yet to understand about dark matter, dark energy, and the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos.

What initially seemed like a direct path to understanding the night sky has expanded into a quest that touches on the very origins and fate of the universe itself. Your island of knowledge has grown, but the shoreline touching the unknown has stretched even further, revealing the vast sea of undiscovered truths that lie beyond.

Yet, this phenomenon—the exponential growth of the unknown as we expand our island of knowledge—is not a cause for dismay. Rather, it’s a testament to the boundless potential for discovery and understanding that lies before us. It underscores the beauty of the learning process itself, not just as a means to an end but as a perpetual journey of exploration and wonder.

This expanding frontier of the unknown is not a daunting abyss but a horizon brimming with potential discoveries. Each question leads to new inquiries, each answer unfolds into further mysteries, and thus, our journey of knowledge becomes infinitely enriching.

This realization should invigorate us, not discourage. It means that no matter how much we learn, there will always be new territories to explore, new questions to ponder, and new insights to gain. The ever-expanding perimeter of our knowledge island is a reminder that learning is a lifelong adventure, one that can fill our lives with continuous growth, challenge, and satisfaction.

Furthermore, this dynamic process of learning and discovering connects us with others in a shared quest for understanding. It opens up dialogues, fosters communities of inquiry, and bridges disciplines.

So, while the expanding sea of the unknown might seem overwhelming, it is actually a cause for celebration. It signifies that we are on a path of discovery, equipped with an insatiable curiosity and the intellectual tools to explore the vast unknown. Let us then embrace this journey with enthusiasm and an open mind. The journey itself is the most magnificent reward.

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